Northern Trust #25
Chicago, IL
14,301 employees
CEO: Freddrick Waddell
CDE: Deidra Jenkins
Diversity Mission: Fostering and supporting a globally diverse and inclusive workforce is a fundamental strength of Northern Trust that helps us succeed as a business enterprise and community advocate. Northern Trust has an absolute commitment to capitalizing on the strengths of individual differences across its diverse workforce. The quality of all Northern Trust partners, performing as individuals and working together as teams, clearly distinguishes us from our competition.
“We are focused on building an increasingly inclusive organization, and the composition of our workforce is a direct reflection of our belief that diversity brings significant value to our business and our clients,” North Trust’s submission states. The company’s board of directors is made up of 14 members, four of whom are women and/or minorities, placing it well above the average for U.S. financial services companies. Today, 34 percent of its U.S. employees are minorities; globally, 49 percent are women. Over the decades, Northern Trust has implemented and fine-tuned many programs and initiatives that have positioned the company among the most innovative and progressive financial institutions for promoting diversity equal opportunity and inclusion in the workplace.