I feel compelled to reshare this poem I wrote almost a year ago, because of the continued loss of black lives by law enforcement since the murder of George Floyd, Breonna, Taylor, Jonathan Price and many others before them.

your oath is to serve and protect
and for that you deserve mad respect.
you walk the beat in the streets
with no idea what you will meet.

I know it’s only a few
that hold fear and do what they do.
but why must we pay the price
with the ultimate sacrifice?

I know you can’t see me
because you can’t be me,
but why can’t you believe me,
and just leave me.

my heart hurts for the families,
of youth who momentarily go astray,
but don’t get to live to change their way.
teach our youth not to run
cause it won’t be a stun gun.
we ask for justice
for more than

all lives do matter….
black lives, brown lives, blue lives, white lives
hash tag host the chatter,
engage the unseen and stop the shatter.

I fear for the new generations who are blind to power,
they only know what they know in moments of the hour.
their voices are loud, they stand tall and proud,

they snap chat
police me, serve and protect
don’t deceive me and make me a suspect.

hey mom what do you want?
my brown boys to play with toys,
and not have to watch their back
for the few who neglect the call

hey mom what must I do?
be careful it’s not just about you.

hey mom how must I live?
brave and bold here in America
that’s what I’m told.

hey mom how do I know?
be silent, be still, reject their will.


Picture of rrivero
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