Insights from Pam:
SkiNy on Diversity Recruiting: Best Practice Guide to Current Trends on
Diversity Recruiting Strategies
Chapter 8: Hire Our Veterans
Why do we still have this tremendous gap with veterans returning to civilian workforce after service? I believe there are underlying biases when it comes to veterans with potential mental illness issues and disabilities. Recruiters have a responsibility to be trained in specific needs for veteran hiring and integration into work culture.
2020 shows the continual advancement of veteran hiring. I do believe that the national hiring initiative for veterans has a tremendous impact on the results. Equally important is that companies recognize that veterans need a supportive culture to function and excel. At the same time, however, companies are struggling with full disclosure with the veteran workforce, like people with disabilities. Veterans with disabilities in the workforce fear disclosure of their invisible disability and/or mental illness. The question is, what can companies do about this very real fear?
This graph illustrates the required training recruiters should receive in addition to the expected diversity training. Disability disclosure initiatives include veterans, yet we still have a gap in training to gain trust from veterans for mental illness indicators. In 2019, Post Traumatic Stress (PTS) training awareness is up with 16 percent of companies implementing this practice. There is not a best practice to date, but companies are trying to determine the best process.
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