Joshua V. Barr presently serves as the Des Moines Civil and Human Rights Commission Director. As the director, hemincreased the number of complaints filed in the office by 170% and the number of probable cause discrimination cases by 500%. He spearheaded the Bridging the Gap initiative where the Commission conducted community dialogues to address safety, justice and opportunity concerns of the community. Through that initiative the Commission has passed 9 and counting policies and laws that address inclusi on, equity, and socio - economic opportunity . In 2020, he was listed as #5 of the top 100 influencers in local government in the US . In 2020, Joshua also w on the 2020 Governor’s Emmy® Award by the Upper Midwest Chapter of the National Academy of Television A rts & Sciences for the documentary Breaking Bread, Building Bridges where he matched 40 strangers together based on their differences to have dinners over the course of a few months .