FedEx #29
Memphis, TN
290,000 employees
CEO: Frederick W. Smith
CDE: Shannon Brown
Diversity Mission: FedEx embraces diversity as essential to our continued success in today’s ever-changing global marketplace. We value its role in helping us achieve exceptional service for our customers and rewarding opportunities for our employees. Our diverse workforce, supplier base and supporting culture enable FedEx to better serve our customers and compete more effectively. From Harlem to Hong Kong, from São Paulo to Sydney, the world of FedEx is all about connecting people, places and cultures.
FedEx sees diversity as a business necessity, not an option, and defines diversity as a value-added component that provides a competitive advantage in the workplace. Diversity has been an integral part of FedEx since its inception and is evident through the Corporate Culture and Awareness Department. Launched in 1997, its goals include: Heightening cultural awareness through education and communication; Eliminating barriers to cultural understanding; Helping employees value the differences all people bring to the workplace.