Melissa A. Romig
Senior Attorney
American Airlines, Inc.
The Ohio State University
Melissa Romig is a senior attorney who practices employment law for American Airlines. Her work includes extensive preventative counseling; defense of employment discrimination/harassment matters; statutory leaves; employment contracts; and the intersection of traditional employment law with collective bargaining rights and responsibilities. She accepted, on behalf of American Airlines’ Legal Department, the National LGBT Bar Association’s “Out and Proud Corporate Counsel” Award, recognizing the legal department’s contributions to the LGBT workforce. Romig has presented at various professional conferences, including those of the National LGBT Bar Association Conferences, the ABA’s Young Lawyers Division and the Lexis-Nexis Corporate Counsel program. Each summer, Romig oversees the legal department’s summer mentoring programs with the Texas Wesleyan University and Southern Methodist University law schools. Romig has been practicing law since 1996. Before joining American Airlines in 2004, she was a senior attorney in the labor and employment group of Porter, Wright, Morris & Arthur in Columbus, Ohio.