Program Infused with the BID Talks
The core vision the work I really wanted to do is to bring business leaders together in a format that allows them to express how inclusive diversity is a part of who we are what we do in our everyday lives. This conference is really about how we bridge any gaps that exists between business and inclusion & diversity. The solution we need is? How do we get to the point where we can mitigate the business case and get back to the intention of the theme.
Diversity MBA introduces the BID TALKS- Business with Inclusive Diversity Talks. We are not just changing the format and platform of how deliver our conference. We are introducing a TED TALK style to our conference. We are boldly suggesting that when we bring groups together we want them to step out of their comfort zone; and not just hear the message, but to understand issue and be able to collaborate and communicate creatively and innovatively to get to a solution. We are encouraging conflict and disagreement. We know tension leveraged against creative energy drives innovation.