Women Empowering

Introducing Shari Loeffler (@shariloeffler), a performance artist, author, speaker, activist, and philanthropist with a passion for fashion and involvement in NYC’s most exclusive charity and red carpet events. Her fashion sense, unique look, and unibrow are a true representation of natural beauty and empowerment and have drawn quite a bit of attention to this mom of three. Shari’s work focuses on identity, beauty standards, movement, and self-discovery. A first generation Iranian-American, Shari grew up in predominantly among Caucasian, Christian communities; however, she was raised in strict accordance with the cultural and religious standards of her homeland. Her identity as a traditional Muslim girl and a “normal” American teenager were in direct opposition, creating an internal struggle that would last for years to come. After being bullied for her unibrow and other features, Shari’s family ultimately allowed her to conform to Western beauty standards by tweezing her unibrow at the age of thirteen. For the next twenty-four years, she continued to adapt to societal norms, suppressing her authentic self for the sake of fitting in. In the summer of 2017, Shari came to the realization that she was doing a disservice to her three young girls by hiding her natural beauty and immediately grew back her unibrow, thus sending her on a fulfilling path of recreating and changing the narrative around beauty, authenticity, self-identification, and empowerment.

Shari is continually moved and inspired by the countless young people who contact her daily to share their own stories, fears, insecurities, and ask for guidance on how to accept themselves in today’s image conscious world. Just as she created agency in her own life and identity, Shari was fueled to create that same ideal for younger generations, their peers and communities, through workshops, panels, and speaking engagements. She is a champion for underserved communities, and individuals with limited access to resources that would allow them to reach their highest potential.

This summer, Shari will release new music, leading with “Reality,” a pop dance track all about shedding your fears and living your fullest, most authentic life.  She is also currently at work on a new children’s book, “I Am Brave Like Frida,” focusing on her unibrow.

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