The University of Central Florida (UCF) upholds the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion for the benefit of their students, staff, faculty, and Central Florida residents. They do this through a combination of strategy and programs. UCF’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI) offers diversity training session to thousands of UCF’s students, staff, and faculty every year. These workshops cover diversity and inclusion topics across multiple disciples. They also provide further incentive to participate by allowing participants to earn a variety of certificates, including UCF Inclusion Champion. The ODI also offers consultations and presentations. Consultations involve a meeting to assist in the planning of diversity related programs and events and incorporating diversity into curriculum and grant proposals. Presentations, on the other hand, involve senior diversity leaders making themselves available to do presentations for classes, departments, organizations, and student groups. They also provide online workshops. Additionally, the school grants students access to their LGBTQ+ Services, Multicultural Student Center, and inclusive programs and resources. Students also have access to Multicultural Academic Support Services (MASS). MASS assists Multicultural and First-Generation College Students in their transition to UCF by connecting with the University community to promote and facilitate academic support services and programs.