Insights from Pam: build your own: building a diverse applicant pool: filling the gap

Insights From Pam:
SkiNy of Diversity Recruiting: Best Practice Trends in Recruiting Strategies
Chapter 11: building a diverse applicant pool: filling the gap

The applicant pool is the total number of people who have applied for an open position or requisition. Based on the total applicants, the selection process begins to reduce the total applications. In today’s environment, diverse has different meanings; it just depends on the lens you are looking through. For our purpose, lets define diverse as representation from the following dimensions of diversity: ethnicity, gender, and identity.




Note: Do not forget about intersectionality. Too often, intersectionality is overlooked and not considered at the time of hiring. Imagine creating trust on the front-end of interviewing whereby candidates want to share before hired!


Illustration: 85% of companies require diverse slates, yet less than 30% have them aligned to manage accountability and ensure implementation. It is a leading practice to align accountability to the diverse slate process.



Illustration: As demonstrated by the above chart, 87% of companies have ethnically diverse slates to fulfill their requirements. While it is agreeable to have females and self-identifying people (primarily veterans and LGBTQ Plus Pronoun candidates), persons with disability are often not included.

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