Parenting/Education Expert: Many Parents Have Given Up on Virtual Learning

Parenting/Education Expert: Many Parents Have Given Up on Virtual Learning

Parenting and Education Expert Karen Aronian says as we are going into a month now of home learning for most of the nation, many parents have given up. They are completely pulling their kids out and just saying “no” to home learning.

Without online or offline academic instruction at home the nation will see a dramatic decline in academic retention and virtually no academic gains between March-Sept. This can account for 6 months of learning loss.

This equates to more than a half of an academic year. At best, students will be 1/2 year behind in grade level and will have to remediate from September start. Therein they will miss out on learning new concepts for the same time frame it takes to catch up.

Students will be more than a full grade level behind in their academic growth and their peers (who are working) if they choose to do nothing. By doing “zero” – we are setting up an “academic slide” moreover- an “academic melt”- the likes of which have never been seen before. We have the responsibility and obligation as parents to educate our children. Lean in, step up, pull up your socks, attend.

If you can’t teach it reach out to someone who can assist your child: older sibling, grandparent, (through online teleconferencing) ask your neighbor/friend, tutor/retired teacher, or mentor to assist your child by phone. f people refuse their schools’ online learning there are a myriad of online and hands on resources to supplement our children’s academic growth right now.

You can also, ask the teacher/district for curriculum packet handout. Ask the teacher for extra help. Ask the school district to provide- a teacher/tutor for extra help. Get a free online tutor at 1-1 Help at

Let me know if you’d like to hear more from Karen. Thanks!

Parenting and Education ExpertDr. Karen Aronian, M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D., is the principal of Aronian Education Design LLC, a full-service education design firm which creates irresistible environments and content for children and families in private and public venues. She considers all places learning spaces, and the dynamic energy of her work reflects this philosophy. Dr. Aronian has worked in education and design for over 30 years, and is an award-winning educator. She has experience teaching pre-K through university, in public and private schools in both inner city and suburbia, and is well versed in traditional, progressive, and homeschooling methodologies. She is an expert on education and parenting, an education policy fellow with Columbia University, speaker, and columnist featured in international publications, including Parents Magazine.

Studio Location: New York City

Twitter: @DrKAronian
Clips: Coming Soon

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