Our Best Professional Networking Articles

Networking is essential for your career at every stage. Even CEOs (maybe especially CEOs), need to be able to make strong introductions, build rapport and develop relationships. Here are our best articles on professional networking based on readership and our internal review. We think the straightforward and practical advice in these articles will serve you well.


4 Great Articles on Professional Networking

Read High Impact Networking

High Impact Networking

What exactly is networking? It’s about more than showing up or trying to convince someone to hire/buy/refer you. This great article takes you through the essentials of networking and gives you strategies to meet, communicate and build relationships with your future employer, peer or client.

Key Takeaway: “True networking takes place when people are able to collaborate and build a relationship that will help both of them to get closer to their business and professional goals,”
Read Mixing Business with Pleasure

Mixing Business with Pleasure

You may want to avoid the office holiday party, but going is often as important as showing up to meetings. Socializing with coworkers helps you build the relationships and support structure that every professional relies on throughout their career. This article explains why and how to be social on these occasions, so that you keep strengthening your network. It also talks about some common pitfalls and how to avoid them.

Key Takeaway:  “You don’t have to make spending time with your co-workers a weekly activity. You do need to think ahead and be prepared to socialize with your co-workers when it makes sense for your career,”

5 Ways To Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

Linkedin is the social network for business. It may not get the same press as Facebook or Twitter, but it is a key tool for job searchers, recruiters and anyone trying to build their visibility. This article identifies the “must-do” tasks on Linkedin and gives you tips on how to approach each task, so that you have positive interactions on the social network.

Key Takeway: Entrepreneurs and business owners will want to create a business profile in addition to a personal profile. Much like Facebook brand pages for businesses, LinkedIn business profiles help create a dedicated online presence for a large or small business.

The Lost Art of Business Etiquette

Making a smooth entrance, mingling effortlessly and handling silverware like you went to charm school — all while seeming nonchalant — is the difference between golfing with the Director next weekend and spending your weekends looking for a second job. This article gives an overview of how to work a room, deal with the check at the end of meals and make sure that you are remembered fondly at the end of any event.

Key Takeaway: …make sure you introduce at least one person who may need an introduction to another in the room. Even if this introduction provides zero value to you and your business, you’ll be considered a professional, classy person who is looking out for others, making them feel at ease.


What did you think of the list? Got any other articles that you think would help your fellow readers? Share your suggestions in the comments and we’ll update this post next year.

 Top image courtesy of AIChE.org

Picture of rrivero
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