Top 100 Biographies

Joshua V. Barr, Director of Civil Rights & Human Rights City of Des Moines

Joshua V. Barr presently serves as the Des Moines Civil and Human Rights Commission Director. As the director, hemincreased the number of complaints filed in the office by 170% and the number of probable cause discrimination cases by 500%. He spearheaded the Bridging the Gap initiative where the Commission conducted community dialogues
 to address safety, justice and opportunity
 concerns of the community.
 Through that initiative the Commission has passed 9 and counting
 policies and laws that address inclusi
on, equity, and socio
economic opportunity
 In 2020, he was
listed as
 #5 of the top 100 influencers in local government in the
 In 2020, Joshua
 also w
on the
2020 Governor’s Emmy® Award by the Upper Midwest Chapter of the National Academy of
 Television A
rts & Sciences for the
documentary Breaking Bread, Building Bridges where he
 40 strangers together based on their differences to have dinners over the course of a few months