Top 50 Companies

Advocate Aurora Health

Rank NO:



Jim Skogsbergh


Erickajoy Daniels

“We denounce racism in all forms, and we work to identify and dismantle structural racism in our own organization and in the larger health care industry. In doing so, we prioritize Health Equity to ensure all people receive the opportunity to live well”- Erickajoy Daniels

Advocate Aurora Health, the largest health care provider in Illinois and Wisconsin, recognizes that diversity, equity and inclusion must be championed in many ways as an employer of choice. They understand that a strong reputation around diversity and inclusion, as well as a commitment to open-mindedness and innovation, is a critical consideration for top job applicants. As a sign of their commitment to the ongoing practice of upholding diversity and inclusion in their workplace, AAH has implemented and maintained specific, clear action plans to ensure diversity in their workforce, including a nursing leadership pipeline and mentorship program for nurses of color; a veteran recruitment strategy; an LGBTQ recruitment and inclusivity plan; a program that explores how unconscious bias impacts medical residency selection and more. AAH’s commitment to diversity within leadership has been supported by three major initiatives: the Leadership Diversity Ambassador Program (LDAP), the High Potential Cohort Program (HPCP) and the Diverse Interview Slates goal. In the wake of the horrific murder of George Floyd, AAH offered team members a platform for sharing how they were feeling about – and impacted by – the ongoing dual pandemics of COVID-19 and social injustice by developing the REAL TALK conversation series.

18th Annual DMBA National Leadership Development & Recognition Conference

The New Age of Leadership:
Creating Paths Forward

October 2nd - 4th, 2024

Chicago, IL